Project Info

Pharmacy Australia Centre Of Excellence
‘PACE’ is the Pharmacy Australia Centre of Excellence. It is a state-of-the-art, purpose-built facility that is the new home to the UQ School of Pharmacy. The $100m precinct was completed in December 2009. The PACE concept was jointly developed by The University and experts within the field in 2000, and creates a leading facility for pharmaceutical research, education and commercialisation.

Standard Fume Cupboard Install
Science 2 Medical constructed a fume cupboard specific to the requirements set out by the University.

Stainless Fume Cupboard Install
The standard fume cupboard is created using PVC to allow flexibility in design and sizing. The standard also allows for a variety of work surface material, such as ceramic tiles, stainless steel, polypropylene and epoxy.

Exhaust Fan Installation
Standard plantroom installation of exhaust fans on plinths within the facility, was provided by builder.

Electrical Controls
As part of our project scope, Science 2 Medical also supplied variable speed drives to adjust the airflow of exhaust fans supporting the fume cupboards.